Important Update
Name Change Update
My company name has changed from Embodied Therapy Toronto to
Camille Djokoto Therapy.
My socials and contact are now:
[email protected]
Insta: @camilledjokoto.therapy
It has come to my attention that my company name Embodied Therapy Toronto was used to create separate Instagram and Facebook handles in addition to using some of my copy in full and in part.
In an effort to create clarity and offer transparency to those who have worked with me in the past, to those who’ve expressed confusion and anyone else: this occurred without my consent or knowledge. I have engaged in action so that this does not happen in the future again.
I do not and have never had any affiliated partners and employees that work with me.
This is my Instagram, and my Facebook.
Please know that all contact regarding my company or inquiries about opportunities to work with me are always sent directly from me and never through a third party.
If you are interested in learning more about workshops I offer and facilitate, I am always happy to communicate regarding future opportunities for building collective experiences of embodied liberation and resilience for BIPOC.